
Have you played Ludo on your mobile phone? Playing a ludo game from a cardboard to a mobile screen speaks about the technological shift in human intelligence. A fantastic and exponential change in technology creates a new world, where everything revolves around a blue screen. Without a powerful backup of expertise, you cannot imagine your success in today’s business world.

In Vibes, we project the intersection of digital marketing, technologies, and branding in our business strategies to make a business competitive for the next five years.

Our future depends on what we learnt from our past failures and how we infuse those learnings to define our present.

93% read online reviews before purchasing a product

Brand awareness increased by 80% using digital advertising

AI Trends To Define Business Intelligence

Generative AI created a storm in trends and captured the attention of techies and futurists. The ability to create human-like content through artificial intelligence compels people to think about the trend. From 2022 to 2023, interest in learning AI increased by 550% according to a Hootsuite survey.

Source: Statista


While scrolling through the AI trends in business progress, we find its traces in branding, marketing, and technology as increasing digital media consumption is one of the powerful market drives for value change. One of the most basic examples is ChatGPT which redefines the world of content creation.


What We Plan For 2024?

The Intersection of Branding, Digital Marketing & Technology

Digital Branding

80% of brand awareness gets increased by digital ads.

Social media trends

Do you know the real power of social media? 5.3 billion people are using the internet as of October 2023 out of which 4.95 billion users consume social media, which amounts to 61.4% of the world’s population.

We let you help to make a powerful and impressive social media presence. 2024 will be the year of social media. With AI, we can work smartly.

Relatable brand content

How do you engage your audience if your content cannot speak about the soul of your brand? Therefore, it is pivotal to share relatable brand content to establish an ever-lasting bond with your audience.

42% of marketers believe that relatable content is the second most effective type of content to share on social media.



Customer-centric branding

Have you heard about EAT? As a part of Google’s algorithm, EAT reflects Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. While focusing on EAT, we can generate customer-centric content that upgrades your branding precisely.

Customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that aren't.


Digital Marketing

Digital marketing industry is expected to reach $807 billion by 2026


Voice search

What is more convenient for you to write or record sound while searching for something on a device? Voice search changes the way users interact with the digital world. There were 123.5 billion people who used voice search in 2022 and the number will continue to grow in upcoming years.

93.7% of the search queries are answered accurately by voice search assistants.

If your marketing strategy doesn’t have anything for voice search users, how will you define your company's success in 2024?


Personalised marketing

Customers want brands to echo their requirements. Through personalised marketing, we can share brand messages that address consumers’ interests, buying behaviour, and demographics.

Approximately 37% of companies are using first-party data to build their personalised marketing strategies.


Social commerce

Social commerce makes E-Commerce business available on social media platforms that expand your brand audience and customer reach. Buying from Instagram or Facebook is a reflection of social commerce. That’s why small businesses target social media platforms to sell their products or services using influencer marketing.

Sales via social media are expected to reach nearly $3 trillion by 2026.




500 billion devices is expected to connected to the internet by 2030


Phygital convergence

Phygital convergence defines the collision of the real and digital worlds. We are focused on defining our reality based on Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) as the outcome of phygital convergence.


Sustainable technology

Sustainable technology defines the role of technology in sustainability through optimising processes, circular products and services, carbon footprint transparency, and cross-industry partnerships.

Sustainable technology, one of the Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024, is a framework of digital solutions that drives ESG outcomes. They expect that 25% of the CIO’s compensation will be linked to their sustainable technology impact by 2027.

Source Gartner


Quantum computing

How can we use quantum computing in business? If you are pondering the same concern, let us introduce ourselves. Using quantum computing, you can solve complex problems through data-driven decision-making.

A recent report by McKinsey projected the value of quantum computing to reach US$700 billion by 2035.

Our vision is to provide you with the advantage of technology to define digital marketing and branding so you will never be out of the competition. So, are you ready for 2024?

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Are you ready for the next competitive year?


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