Without a doubt, social media has taken over the entire world and has marked a turning point in today’s era of the internet. Every person, businesses and companies are making use of social media to reach out to customers who are available in abundance over the web. However, not everyone succeeds in growing their business online. Keeping the strong & effective social media strategies & campaigns is what one needs to flourish in the market and for this, the best way is to utilize lead generation through social media tactics by which one can quickly and easily achieve a boost in their sales and see a positive result in a short period of time. Some of the best ways to utilize and improve the lead generation through social media includes Facebook Lead Generation ad, hosting a live chat call, using Facebook Custom tabs to highlight discounts, offers and contests, referral campaigns, engaging in social selling tools, collecting opinions of audience through polls & surveys, and a lot more ways could help your business build and reach to the heights of success. Social media is here to stay, so get your lead generation game strong and use these platforms to build your business.